Starting your career as a yoga teacher can be exciting, humbling, and terrifying all at the same time. As you get started on your journey to find your unique niche and voice in the seemingly saturated yoga community, never stop seeking guidance from experienced teachers. To that end, we asked 19 experienced teachers to share with you the kind of advice that can move you closer to their caliber of talent (think teachers who inspire students every time they step onto the mat). You’re welcome. (See Aadil’s tip #11)

Tip #11 by Aadil Palkhivala
I avoid teaching Utthita Hasta Pādangusthāsana. Unless the hamstrings are extremely open it causes severe contortion in the SI joint and lower back. This pose does not open the hamstrings; it requires open hamstrings. Most hamstrings are too tight to do this pose safely. I prefer to teach Supta Pādangusthāsana because it opens hamstrings safely without damaging the SI joint/lower back. Also, great yoga teaching is balanced teaching. Include meditation and philosophy in every class you teach by sharing personal stories where you applied yoga philosophy or did meditation and solved a problem. Above all, practice with a master regularly.
Find more from Aadil on Instagram: @aliveandshine
See also Remembering B.K.S. Iyengar: Aadil Palkhivala
June 29, 2016
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