Developing The Ability to Deal with Stress | Yoga Nidra
What may stress one person may not stress another. This is because most stress is not real stress but perceived stress. You will work on the lens that observes allegedly stressful situations (your mind) and, using Purna Yoga® Nidra techniques, change the perceiver’s perception. Now you are free of stress!
Learn more about the workshop here:
Recording available for 30 days.
Register here:
What may stress one person may not stress another. This is because most stress is not real stress but perceived stress. You will work on the lens that observes allegedly stressful situations (your mind) and, using Purna Yoga® Nidra techniques, change the perceiver’s perception. Now you are free of stress!
Learn more about the workshop here:
Recording available for 30 days.
Register here:
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